DJ Icy Ice在當今DJ界占有一席之地絕非浪得虛名。他獨特的風格,讓他穿梭於美國和全球最夯的各大私人派對。他自1992年加入美國傳奇DJ團體World Famous Beat Junkies之後,美國,澳洲,中國, 加拿大,歐洲,日本,墨西哥,菲律賓,和斯里蘭卡都有他的音樂足跡。
近年來,Icy Ice也成為明星私人派對的首選DJ,包含饒舌歌手肯伊(Kanye West)的洛城派對,黑眼豆豆,葛萊美獎典禮後私人派對,全美音樂獎典禮後私人派對,NBA明星賽後私人派對,魔術強森「仲夏夜魔術」慈善活動,NBA大鯊魚(Shaq)的生日派對,以及洛杉磯時尚周私人派對。
就在3月30號星期六,DJ Icy Ice要大駕光臨,在Marquee顛覆你全身的音樂細胞!
DJ Icy Ice is one of today’s premier DJs and his versatile style of DJing has him playing at the hottest, exclusive club venues throughout the US as well as internationally. He is an original member of the World Famous Beat Junkies since 1992 and has performed all over the US and in countries such as Australia, China, Canada, throughout Europe, Japan, Mexico, Philippines & Sri Lanka.
Over the years Icy Ice has been the DJ of choice for celebrity events such as Kanye West’s Party in LA, Black Eyed Peas, Grammy After Parties, American Music Awards After Parties, NBA All-Star Game After Parties, Magic Johnson’s Mid Summer Nights Events, Shaq’s Birthday Party and LA Fashion Week After Parties
Dj Icy ice will tear up the turntables here at Marquee on March 30th. Come join us!
Cover charge: Gentlemen NT$ 1000 (incl two drinks)/Ladies NT$ 500 (incl two drinks)
For RSVP & Reservations please call/訂位專線:+886 (2) 2729-5409
★ Marquee Restaurant & Lounge
★ DJB/大丈夫元氣補給飲品