Moët & Chandon Cinema Glam Party 金影奢華之夜
Be Fun Be Glam Be a Star!!
11/7/2014 星期五 Friday 9PM ~ Close
訂位專線 Reservations: (02) 2729-5409
*當日消費拍照上傳 Facebook/Instagram,可得到 Moët 香檳杯風箏吊飾
*凡點 Moët & Chandon 香檳一瓶,即可得到抽獎卡一張。
活動將於11月底由 Moët 公司抽出得獎者,得獎人可得 Moët 精美大禮,由 Moët 公司另行通知。
*當日凡點 Moët & Chandon 香檳兩瓶,即可得到限量版黑色香檳杯一個。
*由 Marquee 吧台經理 Victor 特地設計多款香檳調酒。
限當日乘坐一次前往 Marquee 或由 Marquee 離開
Uber 安裝使用方式:
1. 收到優惠序號後,至 App Store 或 Google Play 商店下載 Uber App 並完成安裝。
2. 點選註冊後,輸入電子信箱、手機及密碼建立帳戶。
3. 建立基本資料並輸入信用卡資訊即完成註冊。未來乘車將自
4. 完成註冊後,至 Uber App 頁面上方「設定」中的「優惠」。
5. 輸入優惠序號後,即可立即使用 Uber App 叫車囉!
Moët & Chandon Cinema Glam Party
Be Fun Be Glam Be a Star!!
Dress up in your latest look as we join Marquee for Moët’s CineGlam Party.
Take Uber to Marquee & sip some Moët & Chandon champagne for a night of enchantment & fun!
Date:11/7/2014 Friday 9PM ~ Close
Reservations: 02-2729-5409.
Check-in or upload a photo on Facebook/Instagram that night and you will receive a gift from Moët & Chandon!
*Order a bottle of Moët & Chandon champagne to receive 1 lucky draw card.
*Order one set (6 bottles) during the night & we will give you two extra lucky draw cards, for a total of 8 cards!
Moët will randomly draw the prize winners on December 22 and notify each winner.
*Order 2 bottles of Moët & Chandon champagne during the night & you’ll receive 1 limited edition champagne glass by Moët & Chandon.
*Our award winning bartender Victor Yang will be serving special champagne cocktails that night. Make sure you don’t miss this occasion!
For those that plan to take Uber to Marquee that evening, you’ll be able to enjoy the following promotion:
New Uber users: Enter promo code UBERxMOET for your first ride free up to NT500
Existing Uber users: Enter promo code UBERxMOET2014 for 15% off your ride on 11/7, up to NT100
How to use Uber:
1. Go to App store or Google Play and download the “Uber” app.
2. Register an account with your name, email, and phone number.
3. Your credit card is also required since all Uber rides are cashless, and don’t worry you won’t be charged as long as your fare is under NT$500!
4. Once you complete registration, hit the person icon on top and hit「Promotions」.
5. Enter the promo code, when you need a ride, hit request and a car will arrive within minutes!